SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
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seqan3::argument_parser Class Reference

The SeqAn command line parser. More...

#include <seqan3/argument_parser/argument_parser.hpp>

Public Member Functions

argument_parserget_sub_parser ()
 Returns a reference to the sub-parser instance if subcommand parsing was enabled.
template<typename id_type >
requires std::same_as<id_type, char> || std::constructible_from<std::string, id_type>
bool is_option_set (id_type const &id) const
 Checks whether the option identifier (id) was set on the command line by the user.
void parse ()
 Initiates the actual command line parsing.
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 argument_parser ()=delete
 argument_parser (argument_parser const &)=delete
 Deleted. Holds std::future.
argument_parseroperator= (argument_parser const &)=delete
 Deleted. Holds std::future.
 argument_parser (argument_parser &&)=default
argument_parseroperator= (argument_parser &&)=default
 argument_parser (std::string const app_name, int const argc, char const *const *const argv, update_notifications version_updates=update_notifications::on, std::vector< std::string > subcommands={})
 Initializes an seqan3::argument_parser object from the command line arguments.
 ~argument_parser ()
 The destructor.
Adding options

Add (positional) options and flags to the parser.

template<typename option_type , validator validator_type = detail::default_validator<option_type>>
requires (argument_parser_compatible_option<option_type> || argument_parser_compatible_option<std::ranges::range_value_t<option_type>>) && std::invocable<validator_type, option_type>
void add_option (option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard, validator_type option_validator=validator_type{})
 Adds an option to the seqan3::argument_parser.
void add_flag (bool &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard)
 Adds a flag to the seqan3::argument_parser.
template<typename option_type , validator validator_type = detail::default_validator<option_type>>
requires (argument_parser_compatible_option<option_type> || argument_parser_compatible_option<std::ranges::range_value_t<option_type>>) && std::invocable<validator_type, option_type>
void add_positional_option (option_type &value, std::string const &desc, validator_type option_validator=validator_type{})
 Adds a positional option to the seqan3::argument_parser.
Structuring the Help Page
void add_section (std::string const &title, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard)
 Adds an help page section to the seqan3::argument_parser.
void add_subsection (std::string const &title, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard)
 Adds an help page subsection to the seqan3::argument_parser.
void add_line (std::string const &text, bool is_paragraph=false, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard)
 Adds an help page text line to the seqan3::argument_parser.
void add_list_item (std::string const &key, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard)
 Adds an help page list item (key-value) to the seqan3::argument_parser.

Public Attributes

argument_parser_meta_data info
 Aggregates all parser related meta data (see seqan3::argument_parser_meta_data struct).

Private Member Functions

template<typename id_type >
bool id_exists (id_type const &id)
 Checks whether the long identifier has already been used before.
void init (int argc, char const *const *const argv)
 Initializes the seqan3::argument_parser class on construction.
void init_standard_options ()
 Adds standard options to the help page.
void verify_identifiers (char const short_id, std::string const &long_id)
 Verifies that the short and the long identifiers are correctly formatted.

Private Attributes

std::regex app_name_regex {"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"}
 Validates the application name to ensure an escaped server call.
std::vector< std::stringcmd_arguments {}
 The command line arguments.
std::variant< detail::format_parse, detail::format_help, detail::format_short_help, detail::format_version, detail::format_html, detail::format_man, detail::format_copyrightformat {detail::format_help{{}, false}}
 The format of the argument parser that decides the behavior when calling the seqan3::argument_parser::parse function.
bool has_positional_list_option {false}
 Keeps track of whether the user has added a positional list option to check if this was the very last.
bool parse_was_called {false}
 Keeps track of whether the parse function has been called already.
std::unique_ptr< argument_parsersub_parser {nullptr}
 Stores the sub-parser in case subcommand parsing is enabled.
std::vector< std::stringsubcommands {}
 Stores the sub-parser names in case subcommand parsing is enabled.
std::set< std::stringused_option_ids {"h", "hh", "help", "advanced-help", "export-help", "version", "copyright"}
 List of option/flag identifiers that are already used.
update_notifications version_check_dev_decision {}
 Set on construction and indicates whether the developer deactivates the version check calls completely.
std::future< bool > version_check_future
 The future object that keeps track of the detached version check call thread.
std::optional< bool > version_check_user_decision
 Whether the user specified to perform the version check (true) or not (false), default unset.

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr std::string_view const end_of_options_indentifier {"--"}
 Signals the argument parser that no options follow this string but only positional arguments.


struct ::seqan3::detail::test_accessor
 Befriend seqan3::detail::test_accessor to grant access to version_check_future and format.

Detailed Description

The SeqAn command line parser.

The seqan3::argument_parser is a general purpose argument parser that provides convenient access to the command line arguments passed to the program. It automatically generates a help page and can export manual-pages as well as HTML documentation.

Furthermore common tool descriptor (CTD) files can be exported (soon) and a server be queried for available application updates.


Since the terms option and arguments are frequently used in different contexts we want to first clarify our usage:

  • options [e.g. -i myfile, --infile myfile] refer to key-value pairs. The key is either a short indentifier, restricted to a single character -i, or a long identifier --infile.
  • positional options [e.g. arg1] refers to command line arguments that are specified without an identifier/key, are always required and are identified by their position.
  • flags [e.g. -b] refers to identifiers that are not followed by a value (booleans) and therefore only indicate whether they are set or not.

Add/get options, flags or positional Options

Adding an option is done in a single call. You simply need to provide a predeclared variable and some additional information like the identifier, description or advanced restrictions. To actually retrieve the value from the command line and enable every other mechanism you need to call the seqan3::argument_parser::parse function in the end.

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser myparser{"Grade-Average", argc, argv}; // initialize
std::string name{"Max Muster"}; // define default values directly in the variable.
bool bonus{false};
std::vector<double> grades{}; // you can also specify a vector that is treated as a list option.
myparser.add_option(name, 'n', "name", "Please specify your name.");
myparser.add_flag(bonus, 'b', "bonus", "Please specify if you got the bonus.");
myparser.add_positional_option(grades, "Please specify your grades.");
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext) // the user did something wrong
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n'; // customize your error message
return -1;
if (bonus)
grades.push_back(1.0); // extra good grade
double avg{0};
for (auto g : grades)
avg += g;
avg = avg / grades.size();
seqan3::debug_stream << name << " has an average grade of " << avg << '\n';
return 0;
Meta-header for the Argument Parser module .
Argument parser exception that is thrown whenever there is an error while parsing the command line ar...
Definition exceptions.hpp:40
The SeqAn command line parser.
Definition argument_parser.hpp:148
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition debug_stream.hpp:40
T what(T... args)

Now you can call your application via the command line:

MaxMuster% ./grade_avg_app -n Peter --bonus 1.0 2.0 1.7
Peter has an average grade of 1.425

You can also display the help page automatically:

MaxMuster% ./grade_avg_app --help
Please specify your grades.
-n, --name STRING
Please specify your name.
-b, --bonus
Please specify if you got the bonus.
Last update:
Grade-Average version:
SeqAn version: 3.0.0

Errors that are caught by the argument_parser

There are two different kinds of errors: Developer errors and user errors.

Developer errors are those that violate the seqan3::argument_parser design (e.g. calling the seqan3::argument_parser::parse function twice or specifying two different options with the same identifier.) In this case, a seqan3::design_error is thrown.

The second kind are user errors, due to invalid command line calls. In this case a seqan3::argument_parser_error is thrown.

For example:

MaxMuster% ./grade_avg_app -n Peter 2.0 abc 1.7
[PARSER ERROR] Value cast failed for positional option 2: Argument abc could not be casted to type DOUBLE.

See the seqan3::argument_parser::parse documentation for a detailed list of which exceptions are caught.

Update Notifications

SeqAn applications that are using the seqan3::argument_parser can check SeqAn servers for version updates. The functionality helps getting new versions out to users faster. It is also used to inform application developers of new versions of the SeqAn library which means that applications ship with less bugs. For privacy implications, please see:

Users of applications that have this feature activated can opt-out, by either:

  • disabling it for a specific application simply by setting the option --version-check false/0 or
  • disabling it for all applications by setting the SEQAN3_NO_VERSION_CHECK environment variable.

Note that in case there is no --version-check option (display available options with -h/--help), then the developer already disabled the version check functionality.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ argument_parser()

seqan3::argument_parser::argument_parser ( std::string const  app_name,
int const  argc,
char const *const *const  argv,
update_notifications  version_updates = update_notifications::on,
std::vector< std::string subcommands = {} 

Initializes an seqan3::argument_parser object from the command line arguments.

[in]app_nameThe name of the app that is displayed on the help page.
[in]argcThe number of command line arguments.
[in]argvThe command line arguments to parse.
[in]version_updatesNotify users about version updates (default seqan3::update_notifications::on).
[in]subcommandsA list of subcommands (see subcommand parsing ).
seqan3::design_errorif the application name contains illegal characters.

The application name must only contain alpha-numeric characters, _ or -, i.e. the following regex must evaluate to true: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$".

See the argument parser tutorial for more information about the version check functionality.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_flag()

void seqan3::argument_parser::add_flag ( bool &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard 

Adds a flag to the seqan3::argument_parser.

[in,out]valueThe variable which shows whether the flag is turned off (default) or on.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the flag (e.g. 'i').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the flag (e.g. "integer").
[in]descThe description of the flag to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced flag specification, see seqan3::option_spec.
seqan3::design_errorif value is true.

◆ add_line()

void seqan3::argument_parser::add_line ( std::string const &  text,
bool  is_paragraph = false,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard 

Adds an help page text line to the seqan3::argument_parser.

[in]textThe text to print.
[in]is_paragraphWhether to insert as paragraph or just a line (Default: false).
[in]specWhether to always display this line (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

If the line is not a paragraph (false), only one line break is appended, otherwise two line breaks are appended. This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ add_list_item()

void seqan3::argument_parser::add_list_item ( std::string const &  key,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard 

Adds an help page list item (key-value) to the seqan3::argument_parser.

[in]keyThe key of the key-value pair of the list item.
[in]descThe value of the key-value pair of the list item.
[in]specWhether to always display this list item (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

Note: This only affects the help page and other output formats.

A list item is composed of a key (key) and value (desc) and usually used for option identifier-description-pairs. E.g.:

-a, --age LONG
Super important integer for age.

◆ add_option()

template<typename option_type , validator validator_type = detail::default_validator<option_type>>
requires (argument_parser_compatible_option<option_type> || argument_parser_compatible_option<std::ranges::range_value_t<option_type>>) && std::invocable<validator_type, option_type>
void seqan3::argument_parser::add_option ( option_type &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard,
validator_type  option_validator = validator_type{} 

Adds an option to the seqan3::argument_parser.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the option (e.g. 'a').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the option (e.g. "age").
[in]descThe description of the option to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced option specification, see seqan3::option_spec.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

◆ add_positional_option()

template<typename option_type , validator validator_type = detail::default_validator<option_type>>
requires (argument_parser_compatible_option<option_type> || argument_parser_compatible_option<std::ranges::range_value_t<option_type>>) && std::invocable<validator_type, option_type>
void seqan3::argument_parser::add_positional_option ( option_type &  value,
std::string const &  desc,
validator_type  option_validator = validator_type{} 

Adds a positional option to the seqan3::argument_parser.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]descThe description of the positional option to be shown in the help page.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

The validator must be applicable to the given output variable (value).

◆ add_section()

void seqan3::argument_parser::add_section ( std::string const &  title,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard 

Adds an help page section to the seqan3::argument_parser.

[in]titleThe title of the section.
[in]specWhether to always display this section title (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ add_subsection()

void seqan3::argument_parser::add_subsection ( std::string const &  title,
option_spec const  spec = option_spec::standard 

Adds an help page subsection to the seqan3::argument_parser.

[in]titleThe title of the subsection.
[in]specWhether to always display this subsection title (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ id_exists()

template<typename id_type >
bool seqan3::argument_parser::id_exists ( id_type const &  id)

Checks whether the long identifier has already been used before.

[in]idThe long identifier of the command line option/flag.
true if an option or flag with the long identifier exists or false otherwise.

◆ init()

void seqan3::argument_parser::init ( int  argc,
char const *const *const  argv 

Initializes the seqan3::argument_parser class on construction.

[in]argcThe number of command line arguments.
[in]argvThe command line arguments.
seqan3::too_few_argumentsif option –export-help was specified without a value
seqan3::too_few_argumentsif option –version-check was specified without a value
seqan3::validation_errorif the value passed to option –export-help was invalid.
seqan3::validation_errorif the value passed to option –version-check was invalid.
seqan3::too_few_argumentsif a sub parser was configured at construction but a subcommand is missing.

This function adds all command line parameters to the cmd_arguments member variable to take advantage of the vector functionality later on. Additionally, the format member variable is set, depending on which parameters are given by the user:

If --export-help is specified with a value other than html/man or ctd an seqan3::argument_parser_error is thrown.

◆ is_option_set()

template<typename id_type >
requires std::same_as<id_type, char> || std::constructible_from<std::string, id_type>
bool seqan3::argument_parser::is_option_set ( id_type const &  id) const

Checks whether the option identifier (id) was set on the command line by the user.

Template Parameters
id_typeEither type char or a type that a std::string is constructible from.
[in]idThe short (char) or long (std::string) option identifier to search for.
true if option identifier id was set on the command line by the user.
seqan3::design_errorif the function is used incorrectly (see details below).

You can only ask for option identifiers that were added to the parser beforehand via seqan3::argument_parser::add_option. As in the seqan3::argument_parser::add_option call, pass short identifiers as a char and long identifiers as a std::string or a type that a std::string is constructible from (e.g. a const char *).


int main(int argc, char ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser myparser{"awesome-app", argc, argv}; // initialize
int a{3};
myparser.add_option(a, 'a', "awesome-parameter", "Please specify an integer.");
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext) // the user did something wrong
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n'; // customize your error message
return -1;
if (myparser.is_option_set('a'))
seqan3::debug_stream << "The user set option -a on the command line.\n";
if (myparser.is_option_set("awesome-parameter"))
seqan3::debug_stream << "The user set option --awesome-parameter on the command line.\n";
// Asking for an option identifier that was not used before throws an error:
// myparser.is_option_set("foo"); // throws seqan3::design_error
return 0;
void add_option(option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard, validator_type option_validator=validator_type{})
Adds an option to the seqan3::argument_parser.
Definition argument_parser.hpp:239


This function throws a seqan3::design_error if

◆ parse()

void seqan3::argument_parser::parse ( )

Initiates the actual command line parsing.

The function must be called at the very end of all parser related code and should be enclosed in a try catch block as the argument parser may throw.
seqan3::design_errorif this function was already called before.
seqan3::option_declared_multiple_timesif an option that is not a list was declared multiple times.
seqan3::user_input_errorif an incorrect argument is given as (positional) option value.
seqan3::required_option_missingif the user did not provide a required option.
seqan3::too_many_argumentsif the command line call contained more arguments than expected.
seqan3::too_few_argumentsif the command line call contained less arguments than expected.
seqan3::validation_errorif the argument was not excepted by the provided validator.

When no specific key words are supplied, the seqan3::argument_parser starts to process the command line for specified options, flags and positional options.

If the given command line input (argv) contains the following keywords (in order of checking), the parser will exit (std::exit) with error code 0 after doing the following:

  • -h/--help Prints the help page.
  • -hh/--advanced-help Prints the help page including advanced options.
  • --version Prints the version information.
  • --export-help [format] Prints the application description in the given format (html/man/ctd).
  • --version-check false/0/true/1 Disable/enable update notifications.


int main(int argc, char ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser myparser{"The-Age-App", argc, argv}; // initialize
int age{30}; // define default values directly in the variable
myparser.add_option(age, 'a', "user-age", "Please specify your age.");
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext) // the user did something wrong
std::cerr << "The-Age-App - [PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n'; // customize your error message
return -1;
seqan3::debug_stream << "integer given by user: " << age << '\n';
return 0;

The code above gives the following output when calling --help:

MaxMuster$ ./age_app --help
-a, --user-age (signed 32 bit integer)
Please specify your age.
Last update:
The-Age-App version:
SeqAn version: 3.0.0
Thanks for using The-Age-App!

If the user does something wrong, it looks like this:

MaxMuster$ ./age_app --foo
The Age App - [PARSER ERROR] Unknown option --foo. Please see -h/--help for more information.
MaxMuster$ ./age_app -a abc
The Age App - [PARSER ERROR] Value cast failed for option -a: Argument abc
could not be casted to type (signed 32 bit integer).

◆ verify_identifiers()

void seqan3::argument_parser::verify_identifiers ( char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id 

Verifies that the short and the long identifiers are correctly formatted.

[in]short_idThe short identifier of the command line option/flag.
[in]long_idThe long identifier of the command line option/flag.

Specifically, checks that identifiers haven't been used before, the length of long IDs is either empty or longer than one char, the characters used in the identifiers are all valid, and at least one of short_id or long_id is given.

Member Data Documentation

◆ format

The format of the argument parser that decides the behavior when calling the seqan3::argument_parser::parse function.

The format is set in the function argument_parser::init.

◆ info

argument_parser_meta_data seqan3::argument_parser::info

Aggregates all parser related meta data (see seqan3::argument_parser_meta_data struct).

You should supply as much information as possible to help users of the application.

The meta information is assembled in a struct to provide a central access point that can be easily extended.

You can access the members directly: (see seqan3::argument_parser_meta_data for a list of the info members)

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser myparser{"Penguin_Parade", argc, argv}; // initialize = "2.0.0"; = "12.01.2017"; = "Organize your penguin parade";"First Paragraph.");"Second Paragraph.");"./penguin_parade Skipper Kowalski Rico Private -d 10 -m 02 -y 2017");
int d{01}; // day
int m{01}; // month
int y{2050}; // year
myparser.add_option(d, 'd', "day", "Please specify your preferred day.");
myparser.add_option(m, 'm', "month", "Please specify your preferred month.");
myparser.add_option(y, 'y', "year", "Please specify your preferred year.");
std::vector<std::string> penguin_names;
myparser.add_positional_option(penguin_names, "Specify the names of the penguins.");
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext) // the user did something wrong
std::cerr << ext.what() << "\n";
return -1;
// organize ...
return 0;
argument_parser_meta_data info
Aggregates all parser related meta data (see seqan3::argument_parser_meta_data struct).
Definition argument_parser.hpp:637
T push_back(T... args)
std::string version
The version information MAJOR.MINOR.PATH (e.g. 3.1.3)
Definition auxiliary.hpp:294

This will produce a nice help page when the user calls -h or --help:

MaxMuster% ./penguin_app --help
Penguin_Parade - Organize your penguin parade
First Paragraph.
Second Paragraph.
Specify the names of the penguins.
-d, --day (signed 32 bit integer)
Please specify your preferred day.
-m, --month (signed 32 bit integer)
Please specify your preferred month.
-y, --year (signed 32 bit integer)
Please specify your preferred year.
./penguin_parade Skipper Kowalski Rico Private -d 10 -m 02 -y 2017
Last update: 12.01.2017
Penguin_Parade version: 2.0.0
SeqAn version: 3.0.0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: